It is extremely unfortunate to see that we still live in a society that prefers the young population over the older, especially in the workforce. Many unlawful activities can be seen in the workplace, particularly issues related to discrimination. Many slightly older employees are at times forced to retire because the employer is keener on hiring younger candidates. If you have ever been discriminated against for your age, you need to speak to a discrimination lawyer in New Jersey who can help you look into the matter and can tell you the road ahead.
Always remember to address the issue before it gets too late or things become worse. Know that it is illegal and unlawful to discriminate based on the age of an employee and that includes, hiring, firing, increment, promotion, projects, job duties, and many more. Therefore, here’s when you need to hire an age discrimination lawyer in New Jersey.
If your employer denied the promotion
This happens a lot of times when the employer prefers someone young in the managerial position so that they can keep up with the face of the company. But if you believe that you were due for a promotion that you deserved and instead of you, the promotion was given to a candidate with less experience and younger than your age, you surely have a case of age discrimination here. Though such kind of cases are extremely difficult to prove, with the right lawyer by your side, it can be possible.
If you are being forced to take retirement or got fired
Is your employer putting pressure on you to consider retirement? Well, that is because your employer thinks that you are too old to fit into the organization and continue working. But the problem that many employers have is that they do not understand that it is important to have experienced people around so that the work goes on smoothly and the projects become successful. If you are experiencing such kind of treatment, this is a form of age discrimination that you shouldn’t be tolerating.
Also, the other thing that happens is the termination of the older employee. The employer cannot fire any employee because of their age or for the reasons that they are “too old” to be working here. This kind of activity is illegal and is considered as age discrimination for which you need to hire an age discrimination lawyer to handle the case.
More signs to look for to hire an age discrimination lawyer:
• Is your compensation seem to be different than the younger employees?
• Is your medical condition considered a problem for the organization’s growth by your employer?
• Is your employer taunting you about the speed of your work or completion of assignments because of your age?
• Is your employer trying to push you out over the younger workforce?
Well, there can be tremendous more reasons why you need to hire an age discrimination lawyer in New Jersey. But all you need to do is keep your eyes and ears open and spot the situations and signs that seem incorrect and unlawful.