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Experience and Expertise: The first thing to consider when choosing a Pasadena employment lawyer is their experience and expertise in the field. Make sure that the employment lawyer you hire has extensive knowledge of both state and federal laws governing workplace issues such as discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, wages, hours, overtime pay, disability leave, medical leave, workers’ compensation claims, and more. You should also check their history of successfully litigating cases similar to yours.

Reputation: It’s important to research the professional reputation of any potential lawyer you’re considering hiring. Check if they have been featured in any notable publications or news outlets; look at client reviews on websites like Yelp or Google; ask colleagues or friends if they’ve ever worked with them, or even reach out directly to people they’ve represented before. This can help provide insight into how well they handle cases similar to yours and whether their clients were satisfied with the results they achieved.

Compatibility: It’s essential that you feel comfortable expressing yourself honestly with your attorney so that he or she can accurately assess your case and provide sound legal counsel. This means taking into account not only their expertise but also their personality and approachability. Ask yourself if this person makes you feel comfortable sharing your story. Do they appear organized? Are they good communicators? All these qualities will be critical for a successful working relationship between client and attorney.

Conclusion: Finding a skilled Pasadena employment lawyer doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what to look for —experience & expertise, reputation & reviews, compatibility—and keep your expectations realistic throughout the process. With due diligence upfront on your part plus trustworthiness from your attorney throughout the entire process, it can be a rewarding decision for all involved parties!

Post Author: Maurice